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5 Tips for Branding Your Small Business

Rose Bock

Branding is much more than just a logo. Your branding consists of all of the touch points at which your company interacts with your customers. It is what you convey to your customer, what they can expect from your products and services, and all of the elements used to convey those. Making a lasting and consistent impression will differentiate you from your competition. This is your chance to state WHY customers should believe in you, HOW you are great at what you do and finally WHAT you do so well.

5 Tips For Branding Your Small Business

Below are some tips to help you put your best brand forward.

Tip No. 1: Start With Why

Simon Sinek gives a great TED talk about inspiring people to action. If you haven’t already, go watch it now.  People don’t buy what we do, they buy why we do it, and it’s built into our biology. Uncovering your why, using it in your messaging, and as an everyday motivator will lead you to success.

Tip No. 2: You are an Extension of Your Brand

The way you dress, how you communicate with your customer and your beliefs, are all a part of your brand. So put time and thought into how you physically communicate your brand in person.  

Tip No. 3: Successfully Define Your Visual Brand

Every small Business should have a Visual Brand Guide. This is a master document that includes your logo, its proper sizing/spacing, your brand colors and any associated fonts for use in your materials. This helps keep you brand constant across all materials, and allows any designer to easily understand and execute your brand.

Tip No. 4 : Make the Most of Your Brand

Having a marketing plan in place and a schedule to achieve your marketing goals will set you on the right path.  Who is your core customer? What market are you targeting? Location, what is your reach? How do you plan on reaching them? Defining these questions will help you to create a successful marketing plan.

Tip No. 5 : Make a Constant Effort

Consumers crave content that is informative and current. Creating an audience and in turn customers, requires regular efforts. Social Media, e-mail blasts, and personal e-mails are all ways to easily keep in touch. Creating engaging content is simple, but does require dedicated time each week. So make the time.

Now it's your turn to take these tips and put your best brand forward!

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